Julia Krahn and St. Javelin @Museo del Novecento – Firenze

“Zoya” by Beatrice Brandini

Julia Krahn St.Javelin

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, today the Museo del Novecento renews its commitment against gender discrimination, through the ST. JAVELIN, a photographic series by artist Julia Krahn.

Julia Krahm. ST. Javelin Julia

In this project cured by Sergio Risaliti,  (the name is inspired by the Javelin missile, sent to Ukraine in support of the resistance, which has become a symbol of a protective Madonna) the artist invites Ukrainian refugee women to tell their stories through images and interviews.

St.Javelin is an image born and spread during the war in Ukraine that depicts the Madonna holding an anti-tank missile, the Javelin, symbol of resistance, in her arms. In some ways it is a deliberately provocative iconography because it totally overturns the image of Mary mother, but, in this way, it calls the world’s attention to the horrors of war, violence and death.

Julia Krahn. ST. Javelin Mimose

Ten flags bearing portraits of Ukrainian refugee women will be installed in the external loggia of the Museo del Novecento, bringing with them a message of resistance and peace.

Julia Krahn. ST. Javelin Marina

A second installation will be created in the internal loggia on the first floor of the museum, where the Die Taube series will be exhibited, which presents photos printed on billboard paper, such as advertising ones (l’affiches), which will reproduce the theme of the Last Supper.

With this project Krahn does not want to judge the absurdity of this war, but rather to highlight the people who suffer it. And this is how this installation becomes a cry of pain and a hymn to peace.

I think it’s worth visiting it by collecting those uncomfortable emotions that make you “hurt” and that hardly get away from you.

A beautiful image by Julia Krahn

“I believe beauty is a look from the heart, listening requires absolute silence and happiness needs a friend.” Julia Krahn

“Anastasiya” by Beatrice Brandini

Good life to everyone!



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