FRAGRANCES n.22 in the sign of success!

The Fragranze press kit

Rosa by Beatrice Brandini

Pitti Fragranze edition number 22 has concluded, recording a 5% growth compared to the previous season, but above all with an increase in the attendance of specialized operators of the highest quality.

Overview of Fragranze at the Stazione Leopolda (photo courtesy of Pitti Immagine)

There were 215 brands present, an absolute record compared to all past events, confirming that Fragranze is the reference event for discovering the latest in artistic perfumery, the world of beauty and well-being.

Overview of Fragranze at Stazione Leopolda (photo courtesy of Pitti Immagine)

“During the three days of Fragranze, Leopolda was filled with an energetic atmosphere,” says Raffaello Napoleone, CEO of Pitti Immagine, “a great desire to meet in Florence, with exhibitors and buyers who came from far away, to scout new brands and discover the latest from the reference ones, perceive trends, listen to the protagonists and the most innovative perspectives of the moment”.

Overview of Fragranze at Stazione Leopolda (photo courtesy of Pitti Immagine)

In three days, almost 1,700 buyers entered Stazione Leopolda from more than 50 countries around the world.Foreign buyers maintained the high levels of the last edition – which had seen a record increase – with approximately 440 attendees. Attendances from Italy also performed very well, increasing to over 1,250 buyers overall.France confirmed its position at the top of the Pitti Fragranze reference markets, followed by Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Turkey, Israel, Bulgaria, and the United Arab Emirates.

Overview of Fragranze at Stazione Leopolda (photo courtesy of Pitti Immagine)

“The Fragranze community – adds Pitti Immagine general manager Agostino Poletto – made up of exhibitors, noses, buyers, retail operators and also high-profile press and media (more than 300 accredited), has demonstrated great attention and participation also for the program of talks and events, another fundamental aspect of Fragranze’s DNA.


Talk RAW by MANE event. The new gourmandise: from taste to fragrance (photos courtesy of Pitti Immagine)

The theme of this edition, The Sound of Fragrance curated by Paola Gariboldi and Susanna Macchia, an immersive installation in which the spectator entered two paths, one dedicated to silence, olfactory and musical, the other to its opposite, that is, to the noise in perfume and nature.

Talk Event François Hénin: A very unique view on Niche Perfumery (photo courtesy of Pitti Immagine)

Pitti Fragranze will see you at the next edition, reminding us that since ancient times perfume has been used to elevate the spirit.

Good life to all!



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