From Heart to Hands: Dolce&Gabbana, part Two.

From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana.

Bianca by Beatrice Brandini

I think it’s the first time, in eleven years of blogging, that I’ve talked about an exhibition twice in close proximity. But the first post was an informative story, this is necessary. After visiting it I couldn’t give up documenting so much beauty.


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Glass room


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Glass room


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Glass room

The exhibition, which I had imagined was very beautiful, left me speechless. Because whether or not you are a fan of the world of Dolce&Gabbana, whether you are an admirer of fashion and costume, or just a curious person, this exhibition will surprise you with the richness of content, the beauty of the artefacts, the scenography, the light, the music, the details.


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Glass room


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana

Ten themed rooms, each in which the protagonist is talent and art, Italian craftsmanship, the beauty of its history and culture. A wonderful story of a brand recognizable throughout the world, still entirely Italian, which in a few decades has managed to build an empire. And I’m not talking about finance, at least not only, but I’m talking about TALENT and ART, because the clothes displayed in this exhibition From the heart to the hands: Dolce&Gabbana are truly exceptional. Each of them could be the flagship of an international costume museum.


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Hall of myth


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Hall of myth


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. White Baroque Room

There is the room dedicated to Venetian glass making (perhaps my favorite), with arrangements that recall the embroidery and crystals of the dresses present. There is a room in which the scenes from the film adaptation of Luchino Visconti’s The Leopard were recreated.

And again, the room dedicated to tailoring, with the possibility of seeing artisans at work (every Friday from 11.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00), a sort of living laboratory. Then again the room dedicated to painting and architecture, that of the White Baroque (another masterpiece), of the theatre, of the Sicilian tradition...


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Theater hall

The exhibition is a gift that Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana make to Milan, the city that welcomed, loved and launched them. “We always knew that this exhibition belonged to Milan. We have a beautiful relationship with this city, of affection, complicity and esteem. Everything was born here, and now we have returned here, right under the Madonnina to make a point, like a perfect circle that closes”... Dolce is Gabbana.


From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana. Hall of painting and architecture

Stefano Gabbana adds; “This exhibition from the title to the closing is entirely by Domenico (Dolce ed.), he did everything. He spoke with the architects, the fitters, the craftsmen, the artists. He chose every piece and made endless inspections.”

From heart to hands: Dolce&Gabbana.

“Each of us has a devotion to something that excites us, keeps us going. The common thread that connects all our creations is our dedication to excellent craftsmanship and details, the passion for Italy and its artistic, cultural and landscape treasures, the desire to create something unique, unrepeatable and eternal” . Dolce & Gabbana


Two works by Anh Duong, French-American painter, always a muse of stylists

The exhibition at Palazzo Reale is open until July 31st, go there, if you are not from Milan, take a train, like I did, and visit it, not only because you won’t regret it, but you will keep within you over time, a ‘important emotion for having seen something extraordinary.

Work by Anh Doung

Good life to everyone! 



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