Genoa pays homage to Franco Maria Ricci, refined publisher, enlightened personality and eclectic collector.

Franco Maria Ricci The Opera in Black

Gold Flowers by Beatrice Brandini

In Florence, in via delle Belle Donne, many years ago there was a special “shop”, it was a temple dedicated to beauty, it was the shop of Franco Maria Ricci, a man who dedicated his life to art.

Glimpses of the exhibition: Franco Maria Ricci. The work in Black

Franco Maria Ricci. L’Opera al Nero, at the Loggia degli Abati of Palazzo Ducale in Genova until 30 June, is an exhibition that develops in seven rooms, to pay homage to a special publisher, a graphic designer and a collector. The one who revolutionized publishing with the FMR magazine, enhancing Italian culture in the world. It was 1982.

Glimpses of the exhibition: Franco Maria Ricci. The work in Black

As part of “Genova, Italian Book Capital”, he could not be missing: Franco Maria Ricci. Born in Parma but of Genoese noble origins (1937-2020), he created beauty, distinguishing himself in every sector in which he dedicated himself. In the entrance hall, for example, we can admire a setup that resembles the historic bookshops that Ricci had disseminated throughout the world.

Glimpses of the exhibition: Franco Maria Ricci. The work in Black

Visitors can also admire the important graphic designs created by Ricci between the 1960s and 1970s, among which the logos for the Italian Post Office, Cariparma, Alitalia and Smeg stand out. The covers of famous series such as The Signs of Man, bound in silk with gold impressions. The Library of Babel, with portraits of writers drawn by Tullio Pericoli.

Cover of FMR magazine

Then there are the rooms with the series published by Ricci, precious volumes such as that of his master typographer Giambattista Bodoni (yes, that of the most used font), the works of art that come from the Ricci collection, and finally the history of the FMR magazine , defined by Federico Fellini as “the black pearl of Italian publishing”.

Covers of the FMR magazine on display in Genoa Franco Maria Ricci. The work in Black

FMR was a completely revolutionary magazine, considered by many enthusiasts to be “the most beautiful magazine in the world”, for its fantastic covers, which in themselves were individual works of art, for “the invention of black”, an unexpected binding for the era, which enhanced and surrounded the internal images. My father has entire years of this magazine, I remember that as a child it was a source of inspiration, pure magic, escape, amazement. I also have some wonderful books, published by FMR, mostly dedicated to fashion, which I keep and occasionally leaf through with infinite joy.


The Masone labyrinth

Franco Maria Ricci: The Masone labyrinth

In 2005 Franco Maria Ricci also dedicated himself to a “different” project which made him even more famous: the creation of a labyrinth in the countryside of Fontanellato, built together with the architect Pier Carlo Bontempi, a gigantic work characterized by 2 thousand bamboo plants: Labirinto della Masone was opened to the public in 2015.

Franco Maria Ricci

The exhibition is produced and organized by the Franco Maria Ricci Foundation.

Gold Cubism by Beatrice Brandini

Good life to everyone!



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