LET’S GET DIGITAL! Let the art revolution begin

“Rainbow” by Beatrice Brandini

Machine Hallucination – Renaissance Dreams, site specific installation by Refik Anadol in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi

From 18 May to 31 July 2022 Palazzo Strozzi Foundation presents Let’s Get Digital!, a new exhibition project that brings the art revolution of NFT (acronym for Non-FungibleToken that is “non-fungible token” or “non-reproducible token”).


Machine Hallucination – Renaissance Dreams by Refik Anadol in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi


Machine Hallucination – Renaissance Dreams by Refik Anadol in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi

An exhibition that offers us the new frontiers between real and digital through the works of international artists such as Refik Anadol, Anyma, Daniel Arsham, Beeple, Krista Kim and André Reisinger.

Sala Ferri, seat of the press conference, a wonderful library of ancient volumes

Arturo Galansino Director General of the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation

Serena Tabacchi, curator of the exhibition at the press conference

Promoted and organized by the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation and the Hilary Merkus Recordati Foundation, curated by Arturo Galansino (General Director of the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation, Florence) and by Serena Tabacchi (Director MoCDA, Museum of Contemporary Digital Art), the exhibition itinerary is divided into digital installations and multimedia experiences created by artists who express the new researches of Crypto Art, based on the success of NFTs, digital certificates of authenticity that are redefining the concepts of uniqueness and value of a work of art.

Everydays: BULL RUN by Beeple (Mike Winkelmann),  2020


ALIVE #2/3b by Beeple (Mike Winkelmann), 2021

Not only art, but also fashion (you will see my next post on Balenciaga and the exhibition at the Sozzani Foundation), music and sports, not to mention the world of gaming where it probably all started, they create new NFTs every day, interacting between real and digital.

Everydays: GIGACHAD by Beeple (Mike Winkelmann), 2021

Everyday: INFECTED CULTURE DAY by Beeple (Mike Winkelmann), 2021

Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

An NFT is a video, an image or any type of digital content that is certified (in the jargon “minted”, coined) through a blockchain. Literally a “chain of blocks”, a technology that makes files encrypted, non-editable and recorded in an archive that through a file can be viewed by everyone but owned by a single individual, by a single wallet, anonymous.

Anyma (Matteo Millari and Alessio De Vecchi), Eva 0, 2021


Anyma (Matteo Millari and Alessio De Vecchi), Eva 0, 2021

“Let’s Get Digital! It represents one of the first and most important exhibitions dedicated to the NFT revolution ever created by a cultural institution in our country and aims to bring the general public closer to works and themes that are radically transforming our relationship with art. , and with the digital world as a whole… ” Arturo Galansino


Anyma (Matteo Millari and Alessio De Vecchi), Angel 1, 2022

This new way of creating, enjoying and collecting art has fueled an alternative and independent market from the traditional one, giving the possibility to new artists to produce and make their works known, but also to reach a much wider audience that is constantly interconnected.

Andy Bianchedi, President of the Hilary Merkus Recordati Foundation

Banner of the exhibition Let’s Get Digital!

A few months ago at the inauguration of the exhibition on Donatello, on the upper floor of this magnificent building, I felt very intense emotions for the beauty of the works on display, for their majesty and their history. Today, still inside the same building, I have projected myself in a way that is capable of transforming itself at the speed of light, an important dystopia for Florence, so that the future can welcome us with curiosity and wonder.

Good life to everyone!



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