The inventor of the Muppets, the brilliant Jim Henson, arrives on Disney+

Poster of the documentary Jim Hanson Idea Man

Little carrot by Beatrice Brandini

From May 31st, the beautiful documentary Jim Hanson Idea Man, created by Oscar winner Ron Howard on the life of the extraordinary creative Jim Hanson, will be available on Disney+.

Jim Henson surrounded by his characters


Posters of the films Dark Crystal and Labyrinth – Where anything is possible. Both directed by Jim Henson

Jim Henson was the creator of some of the most beloved characters of all time, above all Kermit and Miss Piggy, but also all the extravagant and brilliant inhabitants of Sesame Street, including Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Big Bird… In his 36 years of career he has also directed much-loved fantasy films such as Dark Crystal and especially Labyrinth, with David Bowie.

Ernie and Bert

A very young Jim Henson (1954) who retouches his most loved character: Kermit

The documentary is an intimate journey into the life of Jim Henson, full of interviews from those who knew him well, with films, sketches, photos and the author’s personal diaries. A very complex personality of an artist, inventor, cartoonist and director.


Two of the countless books dedicated to Jim Henson

Henson was a great artist, his first puppet was Kermit, and I think he didn’t imagine how iconic and important he later became for entire generations.

A commemorative stamp dedicated to Jim Henson

The Muppet Show was in fact the highest-rated show in the United States, attracting 235 million viewers in 102 countries. The series ran from 1976 to 1981, with a grand total of 120 episodes. I don’t want to imagine what the end of the show meant for adults and children.

Another image of Jim Henson with the Sesame Street characters

The documentary follows Jim Henson from his beginnings as a puppeteer on local television to his worldwide success. An art, that of puppetry, which is centuries old, but which Henson was able to revolutionize, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture and on his millions of fans.


Personal passion for the Muppets

I love Henson and his wonderful protagonists, I can’t wait to discover this unmissable documentary, his characters are timeless, they are loved today as exactly fifty years ago. My son immediately adored them, because in Henson’s world there is irony, melancholy, feeling, all those shades of emotions which are the same as all of us.


Personal passion for the Muppets

Henson was a brilliant and visionary mind, who knows how many things he could still have given us if his life hadn’t taken him away at just 53 years old. But like all great geniuses, his creations have survived and will survive forever. I imagine him in Heaven, playing cards with Walt Disney and Picasso, or perhaps discussing adolescent feelings with Charles M. Schulz.

Good life to everyone!



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